

Workshop: Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives (WACCPD 2024)
DescriptionHeterogeneous node architectures are becoming omnipresent in today’s HPC systems. Exploiting the compute capability, while maintaining code portability and maintainability, necessitates accelerator programming approaches. The use of these programming approaches remains a research activity, and there are many possible trade-offs between performance, portability, maintainability, and ease of use that must be considered. Additionally, new heterogeneous computing concepts are being investigated with novel architecture like ML/AI chips and QPUs, introducing challenges related to algorithms, portability and standardization of programming models. Toward this end, the workshop highlights the improvements over state-of-the-art through the accepted papers and talks. The event will also foster discussion with a keynote/panel to draw the community’s attention to key areas that will facilitate the transition to accelerator-based HPC, including quantum computing. The workshop aims to showcase all aspects of innovative language features, lessons-learned while using directives/abstractions to migrate scientific code, and experiences using novel accelerator architectures, among others.
Event TypeWorkshop
TimeMonday, 18 November 20242pm - 5:30pm EST
Heterogeneous Computing
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Registration Categories
2:00pm - 2:25pm EST(Keynote Presentation) Performance Optimization and Portability: Strategies for the Era of Heterogeneous HPC Systems
2:25pm - 2:32pm ESTLLM4VV: Exploring LLM-as-a-Judge for Validation and Verification Testsuites
2:32pm - 2:39pm ESTTowards an Optimized Heterogeneous Distributed Task Scheduler in OpenMP Cluster
2:39pm - 2:46pm ESTPortability of Fortran's `do concurrent' on GPUs
2:46pm - 2:53pm ESTProductive, Vendor-Neutral GPU Programming Using Chapel
2:53pm - 3:00pm ESTLightning Talks Panel
3:00pm - 3:30pm ESTWACCPD — Afternoon Break
3:30pm - 3:48pm ESTJACC: Leveraging HPC Meta-Programming and Performance Portability with the Just-in-Time and LLVM-based Julia Language
3:48pm - 4:06pm ESTPerformance Portability of Electron Repulsion Integrals and Their Related Methods across Peta to Exascale Architectures
4:06pm - 4:24pm ESTOpenACC offloading of the MFC compressible multiphase flow solver on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
4:24pm - 4:42pm ESTHeterogeneous computing in a strongly-connected CPU-GPU environment: fast multiple time-evolution equation-based modeling accelerated using data-driven approach
4:42pm - 5:00pm ESTACC Saturator: Automatic Kernel Optimization for Directive-Based GPU Code
5:00pm - 5:18pm ESTOptimizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with OpenMP Offload and Codee
5:18pm - 5:30pm ESTBest Paper Award and Wrap Up